For long time model aircraft flyers one aspect of the activity that many value highly is the social interaction down at the club flying field. However, as camera drone operators it is not something that we often get the chance to experience. While some of us are also members of model flying clubs or have regular drone racing meet ups the lone aerial photographer/videographer doesn’t have those same opportunities as taking pictures of the same field time and time again quickly loses it’s appeal.
Camera drones give us the opportunity to see things from a different perspective and encourage us to get out to different locations to see things from a different angle. So how can we do that but also enjoy the camaraderie, banter, advice sharing, mentoring and the sense of community that is available in model flying clubs? Well it’s simple really, form regional groups for drone flyers. So here at the British Drone Flyers that is exactly what we plan to do. Our first regional group, The Yorkshire Drone Flyers, is already up and running and have had their first meet-ups. If you would be interested in joining a regional group in your area please complete the form below and we will be in touch shortly.